Why Support the Website

I started this site to help people like myself who want to get fitter and healthier then they are. After looking at an almost an endless supply of mis-information, half truths, gimics and expensive programs, I got fed up. I certified as a personal trainer but do not work in the field anymore.

Scores of polititions and First Ladies in the United States have said people need to get in better shape, but not one of them have created free programs that do the job. So, I decided to do the research learn to code and built this whole site to give to the mass of people who like me, Do not have tons of money, but want to get in better shape. That being said I am one guy and the site does require some amout of money to run. I give the advice for free but if you can and would like to help my cause of free fitness advice, I will send you the memory beads for 12 bucks

About the Track Beads

I hand make every set of beads. The cord is durable and made of similar material to the military 550 cord, top has a lobster clip so you can attach it to what works for you a button hole or zipper or whatever. I have used this for over a month and it does not seem to wear out.


click on pic for an item photo

Buy it Here

Track Beads $12
Track Beads $12
Track Beads $12